PUFIN is The first open-source global unique identifier for marketplace loans

What is PUFIN?

Planetary Unique Financial Instrument Numbers (PUFIN)
The next generation of marketplace lending

With our patent-pending Planetary Unique Financial Instrument Number (PUFIN), an open-source system in which anyone can freely generate a unique 34-digit address and associate it with evidence of a financial instrument, such as cryptographic proof of a prospectus, offering document or another local identifier.

This unique identifier is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of online loans or more generally any financial instrument. By fostering interoperability at this critical junction in the burgeoning online marketplace lending industry, we seek an expansive future as online lending matures into a bona-fide asset class within the financial services industry. Rather than incessant narrowing of possibilities, we seek to lay a foundation for new platforms, protocols and standards.

  • Free for everyone

  • Utilizes Blockchain technology

  • Platform and Country Agnostic

About us

The team at LendingCalc developed PUFIN with the intention of providing a decentralized chain of title for the Marketplace lending industry in order to facilitate secondary market liquidity in the future.

As former hedge fund managers and early investors in the p2p space, we saw a critical need for a decentralized, open-source protocol that would foster liquidity and transparency between investors in digital loans. By leveraging the bitcoin blockchain technology, the PUFIN protocol accomplishes a critical "chain of ownership" function that is a requisite for any successful secondary market of loans (digital or otherwise).